My 1st interview with DREAMPLUS 아티스트, 디자이너와 함께 만드는 복합문화콘텐츠의 힘, 앨리유 Allyyou는 다양한 장르의 아티스트들과 함께 "ORIGINAL Story"를 만들어갑니다.
New Project - coming soon
Another Story of ALLYYOU - Seoul - coming soon - all about Artists - & their True Stories

Lonely planet - "See Van Gogh’s paintings brought to life with holograms in Tokyo"
a news article about DASMUSE from the "Lonely planet"

Van Gogh 3D-Art Exhibition in Tokyo, Japan
Van Gogh 3D Art Exhibition Tokyo (Omotesando)

Our Project is coming soon in this July in Tokyo, Japan.